Aquario Neo Media PURE L - 5 liter
Exceptional filter medium ideal for large filters
Very large surface of 3,200 m²/l
Ideal living conditions for bacteria and other microbes
Does not affect the pH value
Manifold pore sizes from 1.000 µm ~ 2 µm
Neo Media Premium is the world's highest quality filter media made by complementing the disadvantages of existing filter media.
- Exceptional filter medium ideal for large filters
- Very large surface of 3,200 m²/l
- Ideal living conditions for bacteria and other microbes
- Does not affect the pH value
- Manifold pore sizes from 1.000 µm ~ 2 µm
Neo Media Premium Pure by AQUARIO is a high quality filter medium for biological filtration in aquariums. Conventional filter balls have an average surface area of approx. 500 m²/l and filter rings even only 270 m²/l. The innovative texture, which is characterised by the fractional cylindric shape, offers a highly structured surface with an exceptional 3.200 m²/l and pores of varying sizes between 1.000 µm ~ 2 µm. The larger pores of up to 1.000 µm allow a very good water flow through the filter medium into the deepest interior. Therefore, it offers nitrifying bacteria (size 1 ~ 1,5 µm) an optimum supply of oxygen in addition to the particularly large colonisation surface. These bacteria are very important for water quality, as they effectively remove ammonium and nitrite. The various pore sizes allow the possibility for a considerable number of other bacteria and other microbes to coexist safely.
During the development of the Neo Media Premium, special attention was paid to creating a new type of continuous pore structure. Part of the 5-step manufacturing process is finishing at high temperatures, which ensures good strength. In addition, the pores are kept at this temperature level for a very long time in order to unify their quality.
Most of the filter media available on the market have alkaline properties. However, Neo Media Premium Pure is a truly neutral filter material. Therefore, Neo Media Premium Pure does not increase the pH value of a slightly acidic aquarium, nor does it lower the pH value of a slightly alkaline aquarium. It is suitable for all types of fish tanks, whether fresh or seawater based. Aquatic plants, shrimps, South American fish, cichlids and corals also find optimal conditions here.
The filter particles of the Neo Media Premium L Pure are approximately twice as large as those of size M. They are particularly recommended for large filters as they provide more water flow.
Briefly rinse the media before inserting it in the filter as well as every three months while in use. The medium should be replaced after about 2 years of use. Keep out of the reach of children.
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Используйте 500 мл Matrix на каждые 200 литров воды.
Набор вставок предварительной фильтрации и губок JBL CombiBloc II CristalProfi e15/1902 для фильтра CristalProfi e (02)
чистая и здоровая вода: вставка префильтра и губка для верхней корзины фильтра CristalProfi e (402/702/902/1502/1902);
применение: вставьте в верхнюю корзину фильтра. Удалите предыдущие губки и замените новыми;
лазерная точная резка. Отлично вписывается во внешний фильтр JBL CristalProfi e;
нейтральны к пресной и морской воде, не выделяют загрязняющих веществ;
в комплекте 3 вставки для фильтра: 2 губки грубой очистки 15 ppi, 1 губка тонкой очистки 35 ppi.
У губки для фильтра срок годности тоже не безграничен. После частой промывки загрязняющие вещества перестанут удаляться должным образом и приведут к загрязнению воды. Таким образом, губку время от времени (к сожалению, точно определить невозможно) нужно заменять. Совет: заменяйте после 10 промывок.
Производитель: JBL
Преимущество синтепоновой прокладки в том, что она не сыплется, как обычный синтепон и точно подходит по размеру и форме для внешнего фильтра
Применение: удалите фильтрующую губку из корзины фильтра и замените синтепоном
Синтепоновая прокладка настолько плотная, что отфильтровывает мельчайшие частицы, вода становится чрезвычайно чистой
Промывайте синтепон только 1 раз, затем заменяйте
В комплекте: вырезанная специально для фильтра синтепоновая прокладка, 6 шт